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Study tips: creating a successful study schedule

Do you often find that you forget to hand homework in because “you were too busy and forgot’’?

Or maybe you find yourself sitting down to study but not knowing what to do?

If only there was a way to fix this, right?

Good news: there absolutely is! It’s crucial to make studying a habit, and setting a study schedule is a helpful tool in achieving this.

Having a study schedule is vital to getting the most out of your education. Study schedules can help save us from the night-before-the-exam revision cram, and help break down learning into manageable chunks by having clear and dedicated times for studying.

Because we understand how important a study schedule is, we’ve put together some handy tips for creating one of your own. Keep reading to see how to make studying a breeze!

Understand how you study.

The first and most important part of a study schedule is knowing how you study. Do you need lots of 20-minute revision sessions? Or do you learn better by having a big chunk of time dedicated to study? Maybe you’re a big fan of the Pomodoro Technique!

Studying itself isn’t the only important thing you may want to consider. Think about whether you’re a night owl or an early bird. Do you find it easiest to revise material immediately after you learnt it? Or do you need a break first?

All of these things factor in to when you should ideally be studying. If you have heaps of energy and motivation in the mornings, then it makes sense to plan your study time around that, right?

However it is that you study best, it’s important to understand so that you can make a schedule that works best for you. By analysing how you study effectively, you set yourself up for success by building a schedule that accommodates your most ideal learning situation.

Know your commitments.

We all have 168 hours in a week. Unfortunately, it’s not realistic to study for all of that time! A huge part of creating a successful study schedule is understanding what time you do have to work with.

You might be a super sport star who has to spend time before and after school practicing, or you might have an after-school/weekend job – and of course we all have to sleep and eat! This means that a lot of time in our week is already taken up, and that impacts what time you have for study.

Because your commitments are individual, your study schedule needs to be too – unfortunately it’s not a one size fits all! However, it’s also important to remember that while you have your “must-do” commitments, you should also make time for you “want-to-do’s”.

By evaluating your commitments, you can find out what spare time you for studying. You may even find that you have more time available to you than you thought! Even if you do have a super busy schedule, you may find time to study that you hadn’t thought of previously, like on the bus to and from school. Every little bit helps!

Set realistic goals and figure out how to achieve them.

Part of studying is knowing what you’re doing it for. It’s always easier to study when you’re excited for the results of your hard work! This is why goal setting is so important in building a successful study schedule.

Having a clear and direct goal in mind means that you can set aside the time you need to study, and then use that time effectively. For example, if you’re struggling with a class and your goal is to pass it, then you know that you need to dedicate more time to that subject than to another one that you’re already doing well in. If you need some help with goal setting, check out our advice here!

The second part of this, however, is understanding how to achieve those goals. This may mean looking at the curriculum, or asking a teacher what you need to do to succeed! It may even be as simple as identifying what you struggle with and focussing on improving in those areas. By identifying your goals, you can prioritise effectively, and when it comes time to study you know what you need to focus on. This gives you a direct and effective study plan to set yourself up for success!

Make your schedule.

Now that you’ve take time to understand how you learn, what your schedule is, and what your goals are, all that’s left to do is make your schedule!

You may find that a schedule forms itself naturally when you look at all your commitments – that’s great! It may be that you have to move things around and prioritise in order to make sure you achieve your goals. That’s ok too! The most important part is to make sure your schedule works for you.

It’s also important to always remember that people want to see you succeed. If you’re struggling with making a schedule – or even harder, sticking to it – don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your parents have been making schedules for a long time and may have some valuable advice for you!

At the end of the day, making a successful study schedule means making one that works for you. By tailoring your schedule to your needs and goals, you set yourself up for the best shot at success. Happy studying!



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