
EduExperts’ English Competition is back!

Are you a superstar English student? Are you in Year 4-8? If you’ve answered ‘Yes’ to both, then read on - you’re exactly who we’re after!

We’re holding the preliminary rounds of our annual English competition for 2023 next month. A round will be held at Zoom through Kahoot on Sunday 11th June, and times are as follows:

Year 4: 1:30pm - 2:00pm

Year 5: 2:05pm - 2:35pm

Year 6: 2:40pm - 3:10pm

Year 7: 3:15pm - 3:45pm

Year 8: 3:50pm - 4:20pm

If you do well in your division, you’ll make it through to the final round in September to compete against students from across all our centres.

Registrations close 7th June, so don’t leave it too late! Get in touch with your local centre to sign up: eduexperts.co.nz/en/centres/list 

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