
Registrations for Term 4 (9 Oct - 2 Dec)


We hope you are enjoying your school holidays, and – if you’re preparing for your end-of-year exams – used them productively!
Term 4 is nearly upon us, and that means it’s the business end of the school year. For younger students, you’ll have plenty of projects and assessments to wrap up before the end of the year. For senior students, you’ll be kept busy revising for your important exams. We’re here to help you get through what can often be a tough and stressful time! In Term 4, we’re offering lessons across all main subjects, no matter your year level. If you’re already feeling prepared for your exams, our teachers will do a detailed sweep of everything you need to know to smash them out of the park – and if you’re not quite there yet, we’ll get you up to speed as soon as possible. Get in touch with your local centre today, so you can make the most of Term 4! Each centre’s timetable is slightly different, so make sure you ask your local centre manager for the classes that work best for you. We can’t wait to see you!  
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