
2021 EduExperts Prize-giving

EduExperts annual Prize-Giving Day was held on the 28th November. In 2021, we have successfully run remote classes since the lockdown began in August, held an onsite Spelling Bee competition and online Mathematics and English competitions. We are trying our best to provide students with the highest-quality and most cutting-edge education possible. During the Prize-Giving ceremony, we shared how EduExperts has improved this year, what the outstanding students achieved, and what we are planning to do in the future. More than 70 students attended this event. We were pleased to see so many old friends join us to celebrate our students and have a beautiful time with us.
Thank you for staying with EduExperts in 2021!

Students’ speeches:
1. Tristen EduExperts Helped Me to Achieve My Academic Goals Good morning, everyone my name is Tristen Shieh from EduExperts Botany centre and I am currently learning at Somerville Intermediate as a year 8. I feel very privileged and honoured to attend this award ceremony. But to start things off, let me tell you a bit about myself. I was born in New Zealand and grew up in a family of 4. When I was little, I enjoyed watching kid shows such as Thomas The Tank Engine and the Wiggles, but as a student from New Zealand my grades weren't all that great. I struggled to learn at an average pace and English and maths were hard for me. However, I am very lucky to have great parents who cared about my learning. My parents would encourage me when I felt discouraged and helped me with my learning. But soon later my parents considered searching for tutoring programs for me, but none of them seemed to help me improve. One after the other it didn't seem to enhance my learning. Of course I learnt something new but not much. My parents felt hopeless because most of the classes were lacking in teaching and most of the work was done digitally. Until one day my mum was talking to a friend at a local cafe when they suddenly came across the topic of education. The friend said. “If you're looking for a good tutoring program I recommend EduExperts botany. I've heard that many individuals have improved there.” After that my mum became sceptical and excited about it, because the other tutoring lessons did not help me improve or have me achieve meeting expectations. But she ignored the fact that it could be bad and accepted the recommendation. The next day after school she just took me straight to EduExperts centre! There I met the receptionist who brought me into a room to take 2 difficult tests. I felt very anxious and scared as I hate tests! The test took me some time to finish and still the results were poor and I'm too embarrassed to share it. At last the teachers decided to put me in year 6 English and year 6 maths. Now be aware this was 2 years ago so don't expect much from me. Since then, I have gone there every Friday afternoon and worked hard for the results I always wanted to achieve. (by the way I did achieve my goal.). I also Studied and did plenty of homework. Finally, I would like to explain why EduExperts is a great place to let your child go, and these are my personal opinions. Firstly I need to thank all the teachers in EduExperts. They have the experience to teach a nuisance like me. The teachers are always very welcoming and have helped me understand things in a way that makes sense to me. They have also taught me several important skills, that's probably how I made significant progress in my learning. They have also taught me several important skills. But Do you like toys, stationary and fun educational sets? Well Botany EduExperts has them. If you score well on the term test or do well in class you are rewarded with these cards which you can redeem certain items such as pencils, rubbers, pencil cases and more. But the more reward cards you get the more variety of items you can choose from as well. To wrap things up, Education Experts is a great place to let your child go. I have been to EduExperts for more than 2 years and my English and math has improved a lot. And without Education experts I wouldn't be exceeding expectations on my term reports. Thank you for listening to my speech.

2. Sam How to Study Efficiently Hi everyone, I’m Sam Qing. Today I will be talking about how to study efficiently. This will include how to study effectively, making a schedule, and asking questions. Studying effectively is a huge topic, but I'm going to shorten it. So first, I will suggest studying for around 30 minutes and then rest for 5 minutes so that you won’t get bored. I personally am the person who gets bored after 30 minutes and starts just thinking about random stuff. You should also set a goal for yourself so that you don’t cram everything into one day. For example, in term 4 at our school, we have these huge tests that test us on everything we learnt throughout the year. So we can split that into 5 days. The first day will be term 1 and the second will be term 2 and so on. But Sam? What about the fifth day? I suggest adding a fifth day so that you can actually revise what you revised during the last 4 days. And for the actual revising, I recommend reading through the material you are supposed to revise and then put it away and write down what you remember. Then you can matchy it with the original and see if there are any errors or things you missed and keep doing this until you get everything correct. English is a very general topic so you cannot really revise it like the others. I would recommend reading books, literally any type of book. This then improves your writing by a lot since if you are asked to write a, for example narrative, and you read a narrative book, you can actually use the techniques that are in the book that the writer used to help you write. Making a schedule kind of ties on with setting a goal. So the idea is that everyday after school you order the things so that you do the most urgent and most important first, then not urgent and most important, after that it’s the urgent but not important, and then you can do the not urgent not important. For example, you have to play piano and practice it because you’ve got a class next Saturday, you want to play with your friends today, but there is homework from school which is due tomorrow. You would want to do your homework first, even if you don't have time for piano, you can do it tomorrow where you might have time. And playing with friends is not important so you wouldn’t want to do that before you've done the important things since you might not get to it and then will have to stay in at break tomorrow to do your homework. Making questions also is very important so that you get a better knowledge of the topic. This will help you remember things better and make connections with other things that you learnt. Thank you everybody. 
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