
Learn to build the future, with EduExperts and BestCoder

Steve Jobs, the late, great founder and CEO of Apple, once declared that “everyone should learn coding, because it teaches you how to think.”


As we look to the future in 2020, it’s becoming more and more evident that those who know how to code will be the creators of tomorrow’s world. 


This year, EduExperts has partnered with well-known robotics brand BestCoder to offer a wide variety of robotics, coding, and computer science courses.


For Term 4, we’ve got two fantastic learning pathways for junior students – Block Coding and Python – and registrations are now open! Details are as follows…


Block Coding Learning Pathway


Block Coding refers to an intuitive method of programming whereby users select from a predefined library of code, and is a great choice for gaining an introduction into the world of programming. Our Block Coding pathway includes the following activities:



Artificial Intelligence: Understand the principles and applications of AI, and gain a deep understanding of this exciting technology by exposing kids at a young age.


Robotics: Understand the functions of basic and complex robots, integrating mechanical principles, electronic sensors, and a wide array of software and hardware. Learn to write robot control programs, and cultivate both your analytical and creative abilities.


Single-board computers: Learn to use single-board computers to intuitively understand the principles behind hardware components and cloud data storage.


Turtle Graphics: Use Python Turtle Graphics to understand the principles of basic computer drawing, and controlling a sprite using logical commands.


Python Learning Pathway



Python is one of the most versatile and widely-used programming languages available today, and is the tool of choice amongst beginners and advanced programmers alike. Here’s what we’re offering on our Python Pathway:


Artificial Intelligence: Understand the principles and applications of AI, and gain a deep understanding of this exciting technology by exposing kids at a young age.


Single-board computers: Learn to use single-board computers to intuitively understand the principles behind hardware components and cloud data storage.


Advanced Turtle: Use Python Turtle Graphics to learn functional statements and complex algorithm design through an entertaining and engaging medium.


Game design: Integrate your programming knowledge with your love of gaming! Find and solve problems in combat by utilising your Python knowledge.



Our coding classes are for students of all ages and abilities, and our wider catalogue includes:


Beginner (5-8):

·         Junior computer programming

·         Arduino

·         Introduction to Robotics


Intermediate (8-10):

·         Introduction to programming (Python)

·         Web Development I (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

·         Intermediate Robotics (powered by MakeX)

·         Minecraft Education


Advanced (10+):

·         Programming (Python)

·         Web Development II (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

·         Advanced Robotics (powered by MakeX)

·         International Olympiad in Informatics

With our support, you’ll learn the skills you need to create the future. Get in touch with your local centre to sign up today!


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