
We're hiring!


We’re on the lookout for people with a background in education who want to work with a friendly, motivating team at EduExperts!

We are currently hiring for the following positions:


January holiday programme (11th-29th January 2021):


Stonefields centre:

·      Year 7-11 Maths

·      Year 9-10 Science

·      Year 11-13 Chemistry

·      Year 1-6 Korean

·      Year 1-6 Spanish


Henderson centre:

·      Year 1-6 English

·      Year 9-13 Maths


Term 1 2021 (9th February 2021 onwards):


Stonefields centre:

·      Year 3-10 Speech & Debating


Hobsonville centre:

·      Year 3-9 Maths


To apply for these positions, please follow the link to our SEEK page: 

If you have any questions about the positions, please feel free to contact to

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no subject name date hit
11 Term 3 (22.JUL - 28.SEP) eduexperts 07-22 10,980
10 Term2 holiday Programme (08.July - 19.July) eduexperts 06-24 11,751
9 Public Holiday - Long weekend (Queen's birthday) eduexperts 05-29 12,079
8 China Trip in July eduexperts 05-23 14,787
7 Term 2 (29.APR - 6.JUL) eduexperts 04-29 12,066
6 Public Holiday eduexperts 04-18 12,018
5 Speech & Debating eduexperts 03-29 12,177
4 Term1 Holiday Programme Timetable eduexperts 03-22 12,346
3 Term1 Test - Week 9 ( 1st - 6th of April) eduexperts 03-13 12,812
2 Lantern Riddles Week! (18th-23rd) eduexperts 02-25 13,384
1 Term 1 (4.FEB - 12.APR) Back to School! eduexperts 02-25 12,471
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