
Happy Waitangi Day!

From the wider EduExperts team, we wish you a happy, safe, and relaxing long weekend as we observe Waitangi Day.

If you are heading away for the weekend, please take care on the roads.

Our centres will be back open, with classes as normal, from Tuesday 9 February. We look forward to seeing you then!

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no subject name date hit
11 Term 3 (22.JUL - 28.SEP) eduexperts 07-22 10,982
10 Term2 holiday Programme (08.July - 19.July) eduexperts 06-24 11,754
9 Public Holiday - Long weekend (Queen's birthday) eduexperts 05-29 12,081
8 China Trip in July eduexperts 05-23 14,788
7 Term 2 (29.APR - 6.JUL) eduexperts 04-29 12,069
6 Public Holiday eduexperts 04-18 12,021
5 Speech & Debating eduexperts 03-29 12,183
4 Term1 Holiday Programme Timetable eduexperts 03-22 12,353
3 Term1 Test - Week 9 ( 1st - 6th of April) eduexperts 03-13 12,816
2 Lantern Riddles Week! (18th-23rd) eduexperts 02-25 13,386
1 Term 1 (4.FEB - 12.APR) Back to School! eduexperts 02-25 12,473
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