
Live Online Classes - during Covid-19 alert level 3

As you will be aware, from today Auckland has moved into Level 3 lockdown, and the rest of New Zealand has moved into Level 2 lockdown. These restrictions will remain in place for at least three days.

As a result, all EduExperts classes will take place online until the next Government announcement. For more information, please be in touch with your local centre manager.

Until then, please stay safe, exercise good hygiene measures, and look after each other. We've done this before, and we can do it again!
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no subject name date hit
11 Term 3 (22.JUL - 28.SEP) eduexperts 07-22 10,986
10 Term2 holiday Programme (08.July - 19.July) eduexperts 06-24 11,757
9 Public Holiday - Long weekend (Queen's birthday) eduexperts 05-29 12,085
8 China Trip in July eduexperts 05-23 14,792
7 Term 2 (29.APR - 6.JUL) eduexperts 04-29 12,075
6 Public Holiday eduexperts 04-18 12,022
5 Speech & Debating eduexperts 03-29 12,188
4 Term1 Holiday Programme Timetable eduexperts 03-22 12,354
3 Term1 Test - Week 9 ( 1st - 6th of April) eduexperts 03-13 12,824
2 Lantern Riddles Week! (18th-23rd) eduexperts 02-25 13,396
1 Term 1 (4.FEB - 12.APR) Back to School! eduexperts 02-25 12,481
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